A sponsor of the Child and Adult Care Food Program
We are a sponsor of the Child and Adult Care Food Program. This program is available to Licensed day care home providers. This program is administered through the Kansas Department of Education and funded through the USDA. You can receive reimbursements for 2 Meals and 1 Snack or 2 Snacks and 1 Meal depending on your meal times and when the children are in your care.
Your reimbursement will depend on your Tier.
Tier 1 Rates
Breakfast: $1.66
Lunch/Dinner: $3.15
Snack: $0.93
Tier 2 Rates
Breakfast: $0.60
Lunch/Dinner: $1.90
Snack: $0.26
(Rates effective July 1, 2024 - June 30, 2025)
You must serve nutritious USDA approved meals and snacks, you will then receive a partial reimbursement. This additional income can help make day care an alternative to working "outside" the home.
There is no charge to participate in CACFP.
We are in 23 counties of Kansas:
Chase, Clay, Cloud, Dickenson, Geary, Jackson, Jewell, Lincoln, Marion, Marshall, Mitchell, Morris, Nemaha, Osage, Ottawa, Pottawatomie, Republic, Riley, Saline, Shawnee, Smith, Wabaunsee, and Washington.

Primary FaceBook Page
Group page on FaceBook
Contact Info
Phone: Janet (785)307-4370
Phone: Michael (785)762-2623
Our Physical Address:
222 W 6th St
Junction City, KS 66441
JC Family Home Association
P.O. Box 1203
Junction City, KS 66441